Fordham University School of Law and the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice

Corporate Social Responsibility Leadership Course

May 4th & 5th, 2017, Manhattan, New York

We are now accepting early registration for our fourth annual CSR Leadership Course
Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility
Exploring Challenges And Prospects
Specific CSR Tools
Understanding Legal Developments
Designed for lawyers, professional service providers, CSR practitioners, business professionals and graduate students from all industry backgrounds, this intensive two-day Corporate Social Responsibility Leadership Course will explore the myriad dimensions of corporate citizenship.  

The course will provide participants with a robust understanding of the law surrounding CSR and introduce them to a range of practical instruments and mechanisms available to help navigate this challenging terrain.

Course Goals & Objectives

Understanding CSR developments in the US and abroad, with a focus on Sustainability, Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals, Investment in Africa, and Business and Human Rights
Understanding international CSR guidelines, initiatives and mechanisms, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and developing skills in the areas of human rights policies, human rights due diligence and remedies in cases of adverse impacts of business activity
Defining, shaping and advancing successful CSR strategies for different industries and regions, and learning specific tools for implementing CSR initiatives within companies and law firms
Adopting a shared understanding of the important role that the corporate sector can play to achieve a sustainable future
Course faculty include:

Faculty Bios...


Advancing Corporate Social Responsibility:
Challenges and Prospects for Companies and Law Firms

Around the world and across industries, the subject of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is gaining unprecedented attention both for the business sector and the legal profession. Reports of the negative social and environmental impact of products, services and operations of companies and their supply chains reach the press on a regular basis, and consumers, shareholders and civil society are increasingly demanding greater accountability for corporate activity.

At the same time, many companies and law firms already engaging with CSR practices are reporting improved company performance at many levels from enhanced reputations and stronger brands, to happier, healthier, and more productive work forces, to lower costs from reduced carbon emissions and other environmental measures. Responsible business has tremendous potential for companies and stakeholders alike.

Contact Info

Adopting a shared understanding of the important role that the corporate sector can play to achieve a shared, secure and sustainable future.
Inquiries: +1 212 636 6862

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